King of Karts
“King of Karts” is an arcade-style fun-racer, developed for android- and iOS-devices, including Amazon FireTV and the AppleTV. It takes many inspirations from Nintendos Mario Kart, but adds its own ideas in the form of some items and the “KO-Race”-mode. It was developed by popclaire, a daughter corporation of wonderkind.
Project Specifics:
Year: 2015-2016
Company: popclaire
Engine: Unity
Personal worktime: 12 months fulltime
Year: 2015-2016
Company: popclaire
Engine: Unity
Personal worktime: 12 months fulltime
My Responsibilities included:
- Developing codebase, coordinating development of growing team
- Complete network-implementation
- Worked on kart-physics and controls, AI, UI
- Implementation of audio
- Helped designing weapons and gamemodes
- Built editor tools for level designers and artists
- Developing codebase, coordinating development of growing team
- Complete network-implementation
- Worked on kart-physics and controls, AI, UI
- Implementation of audio
- Helped designing weapons and gamemodes
- Built editor tools for level designers and artists