
“Nekodo – Way of the Cat” is a two-player strategy game played on a single mobile device. Each player takes on the role of a clan of ninja-cats trying to conquer as many strategic points as possible and collect the most fishes. But they have to watch out, because each cat has a hidden element, only known to its owner. This element decides which cat will emerge victorious from a confrontation.
Who can deceive better?
Who will be able to look behind his opponents ruse?

Project Specifics:
Semester: Summer 2013
Engine: Unity
Team Size: 5 Persons
Personal Worktime: 400h over 12 weeks
My Responsibilities included:
- Designing, prototyping, and balancing Game Design
- Designing UI, both functionally and visually
- Implementing UI
Nekodo Photo Gameplay Situation
Nekodo Screenshot World
Nekodo Screenshot Spawn Cat
Due to the game being turnbased, we were able to test gameplay via paper prototype
Due to the game being turnbased, we were able to test gameplay via paper prototype
Visuals I built for the UI
Visuals I built for the UI