“Nekodo – Way of the Cat” is a two-player strategy game played on a single mobile device. Each player takes on the role of a clan of ninja-cats trying to conquer as many strategic points as possible and collect the most fishes. But they have to watch out, because each cat has a hidden element, only known to its owner. This element decides which cat will emerge victorious from a confrontation.
Who can deceive better?
Who will be able to look behind his opponents ruse?
Project Specifics:
Semester: Summer 2013
Engine: Unity
Team Size: 5 Persons
Personal Worktime: 400h over 12 weeks
Semester: Summer 2013
Engine: Unity
Team Size: 5 Persons
Personal Worktime: 400h over 12 weeks
My Responsibilities included:
- Designing, prototyping, and balancing Game Design
- Designing UI, both functionally and visually
- Implementing UI
- Designing, prototyping, and balancing Game Design
- Designing UI, both functionally and visually
- Implementing UI